List of Stationery Items For Grade 1 to 5 Students.
Please find below the required stationery items for students from Grade 1 to 5.
- Twisters One Packet
- Pencils Ten (10)
- Slip-on covers (A5) Ten (10)
- Rubber One (1)
- Ruler One (1)
- Scissors One (1)
- Bond paper One (1) Ream
- Sanitizer 100ml
- Stick on Glue Six (6)
- Dictionary One (1)
- Cello Tape (Big) One (1)

List of Stationery Items For Grade 6 and 7 Students.
Please find below the required stationery items for students from Grade 6 and 7.
- Mathematical Set One Set
- Calculator Any
- Pocket File One (1)
- Many Blue and Few Black Pens
- HB Pencil Eraser
- Clear Ruler and Transparent Pencil case Ten (10)
- 2Quire Counter BooksFive (5)
- slip-on CoversTen (10)
- Rolls Brown Cover3 (rolls)
- Tracing Paper
- Bond Paper One (1) Ream
NB. Exercise books will be provided by the school
All items should be marked with the child’s name and will be replenished as needed.

Learn, Grow and Shine, Flexible Schedule and Dress Code.
- Monday Complete School Uniform, Blazer, Hat/Cap.
- Tuesday Full Tracksuit, School Golf T-Shirts, White Socks, Sun Hat, Plain White Sneakers (Sports Kit).
- Wednesday Complete School Uniform, Half Jersey, Hat/Cap.
- Thursday Full Tracksuit, (Sports Kit With House T-shirt) White Socks, Sun Hat, Plain White Sneakers.
- Friday Blue Jeans, School Golf T-shirt.
Academics: Excellence, Diversity and Creativity.
Being punctual is highly valued at our school. The school day starts at 7:30 a.m. sharp, and students are expected to be present at that time to participate in morning activities such as reading and revision. On Monday to Thursday, lessons run from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with school hours ending at 3:30 p.m. During 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., students will be involved in extracurricular activities, including clubs and sports, as specified in the term diary. On Fridays, the school day starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m.
School ends at 3:30 pm. Parents are expected to pick up their children by 4:15 pm at the latest. If a child is picked up late, a parent will be required to sign a book and a penalty fee will be charged. If you need to arrange for after-school drop-offs, please contact the school office.

Makseth School Meals
Break Time: 10:00 am – 10:30 am.
Lunch Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm.
For day scholars please provide a lunch box, bottle of water and hand sanitizer.
Dining meals for day scholars are charged at a fee to be communicated beginning of every term.
Various Reminders
- Name badges to be worn daily.
- Reading books, wordbooks etc. brought to school daily, once individual reading has started.
- Reading bookmarkers signed daily by parents to show parents have listened to reading.
- All items of clothing are marked with the child’s name (embroidery nametags).
- Hats, with the child’s name in, brought daily.
- Hair to be neatly plaited with a twist (tie back) or freehand with a bridge at the back for girls and boys should have smart haircuts/smart logs.